Wes Read online

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  His glance passed over the gorgeous guy he’d noticed earlier, but he dismissed him. He had to be the most perfect guy Wes had ever seen—tall but not too much, muscled to a perfect point, blond with blue eyes. Of course Mr. Perfection had a boyfriend.

  Mr. Boyfriend looked a bit like Wes, but there was one big difference between them—Wes was a whore, and he was not. Of course Mr. Perfection would choose the nice, normal guy. Who wouldn’t?

  Wes lowered his eyelids when their gazes met. God, what he wouldn’t give to spend one night in a nice guy’s arms. He wanted someone who really saw him, for once. He wanted to have sex because he wanted to, and not because he needed to. Actually, he was pretty sure he’d never have sex ever again if he had a choice, although he might make an exception for Mr. Perfection

  Wes pushed away from the wall and decided to walk to the bar. He usually had no problems picking up drunk men, and it was already midnight. He only had an hour or two before he had to leave and walk back home. Hopefully he’d find someone to come home with him and he’d get a ride, but it wasn’t looking good.

  Wes asked the barman for a glass of water. The man frowned, and Wes decided that maybe it was time to move on and pick another club to do his business. Problem was, there weren’t an awful lot of those in Whitedell, and Wes didn’t have a car.

  Someone leaned against the bar by Wes’ side and he plastered his best smile on his lips before turning toward the newcomer. His smile froze when he saw it was Mr. Perfection, sans Mr. Boyfriend.

  Mr. Perfection leaned forward. “Are you sniffing me?” Wes asked incredulously.

  “Uh-huh. You smell good.”

  That was a first. It looked like Mr. Perfection was a bit drunk. “Uh, thanks.”

  Wes leaned backward, but Mr. Perfection leaned with him. “Can I help you?” Wes asked even as he looked around for Mr. Boyfriend.

  “You smell good.”

  “You already said that.”

  “Yeah, but you smell really good. Like home and spices and happiness.”

  Wes gaped. Mr. Perfection was obviously more drunk than Wes had initially thought. He put a hand on Mr. Perfection’s chest when the man tried to lean even closer. He knew he should’ve left, but he didn’t want to leave Mr. Perfection alone.

  “Why don’t we go look for your boyfriend, huh? He can take you home.”

  Mr. Perfection shook his head and threw an arm over Wes’ shoulders. Wes’ knees buckled, but he managed to stay upright and he steered Mr. Perfection toward the wall.

  “I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  Wes raised his brows in surprise. “What about the guy who was dancing with you? He looked like someone you knew rather well.”

  Mr. Perfection laughed. “That’s—he’s not my boyfriend. He’s my best friend.” He shook his head and leaned forward again. He pushed his face against Wes’ neck and rubbed his nose on Wes’ pulse, making him shiver. “Mmm, who would’ve thought I’d meet my mate tonight. And here I was telling Darin we should just have fun.”

  Wes frowned at Mr. Perfection’s words, but he dismissed them. “So Darin’s your friend? Where is he?”

  “Went home.”

  “And he left you here in this state?”

  Mr. Perfection waved without even looking up form Wes’ neck. “Don’t need him. I’ll be fine soon enough. Never stay drunk very long. Can’t.”

  Wes’ eyes widened when a hand made its way to his ass and squeezed. God, it shouldn’t have been so arousing. He squirmed, knowing he should stop this, whatever this was. Mr. Perfection was drunk. He probably didn’t know what he was doing. Everything pointed to that. Wes knew it, but why was it so hard to resist?

  The only thing he wanted to do was to take this guy home and into his bed. He wanted to cuddle all night and make love in the morning, then have breakfast in bed and make love again. Wes shook his head. He couldn’t take Mr. Perfection home. He didn’t want the man to see where he lived, to see how he lived.

  Wes slid an arm around Mr. Perfection’s waist and gently pushed him away and toward the door. “Come on, we’ll find you a cab.”

  Mr. Perfection clung to Wes as they walked to the entrance. Wes gave the girl at the entrance the number she’d given him when he’d left his coat with her, but he didn’t have Mr. Perfection’s number. “Hey, give me the number to get your coat.”

  Mr. Perfection smiled and shimmied his hips. “It’s in my pocket. You take it.”

  Wes sighed. Oh, it wouldn’t be a hardship to touch the man in front of him, but he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop once he got the damn piece of paper.

  “Right or left pocket?”

  “I’m not telling.”

  Wes sighed. He propped Mr. Perfection against the wall, then when he was sure the man wouldn’t face-plant, slid his hands in both pockets.

  Wes gulped at the heavy erection the back of his hand slid against. He wiggled his fingers and searched for the piece of paper, and Mr. Perfection groaned. Wes snatched his hand away, and gosh, why the fuck was he so flustered? He was used to dicks, damn it.

  He touched paper with his other hand and finally took the number out of Mr. Perfection’s pocket. He handed it to the girl and ignored her smirk when she gave him a heavy dark blue jacket. He took it and looked at Mr. Perfection, who was still propped against the wall and looking at Wes’ crotch. He wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that he was ogling Wes’ assets.

  Wes sighed and got closer. He helped Mr. Perfection into his jacket, ignoring the way the man’s hands wandered every time he managed to put them on Wes. “I feel like I should insist on going to dinner first,” the man muttered.

  The girl giggled behind him and he rolled his eyes. Wes looked at her. “Can you call a cab, please?”

  “Of course.”

  Wes turned when a hand squeezed his ass again. “All right. At least tell me your name, since you seem so bent on feeling me up.”

  Mr. Perfection blinked. “You don’t know my name?”

  Wes rolled his eyes. “You never told me, so no.”

  Mr. Perfection stuck his hand out. “I’m Taylor Symonds.”

  Wes shook the offered hand. “Wes.” He tried to take his hand away, but Taylor wasn’t letting go.

  “Wes? That’s a pretty name. A pretty name for a pretty man.”

  “Sure, whatever.”

  Wes pulled on his hand again, but instead of releasing it, Taylor used it to pull Wes in his arms and kiss him.

  Wes froze. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d kissed a man. It wasn’t something most of his clients expected from him, and even if they had wanted to kiss him, he’d have said no.

  Taylor’s lips were soft and he tasted of rum. He wasn’t forceful like Wes would’ve thought. Instead, he peppered small kisses on Wes’ lips before gently sliding his tongue over them. Wes groaned and opened his mouth.

  Someone cleared their throat behind him. “Um, sir? The cab is here.”

  Wes pulled away and pressed his lips together when Taylor tried to follow, his lips still searching for Wes’. Wes looked at the girl instead. “Thank you.”

  She nodded, and Wes looped his arm around Taylor’s. “Come on.”

  Cold air hit him when they stepped outside. He guided Taylor to the cab and opened the back door, then helped Taylor inside. The driver looked at them in the rearview mirror. “Where to?”

  “Uh, wait. I’ll ask him.” Wes leaned over Taylor. “Hey, give the man your address.”

  “Sit next to me,” Taylor answered.

  “I have to go home.”

  “You can’t.”

  “I have to.”

  Taylor’s face morphed in a pout that would’ve looked right at home on a kid’s face. “But you have to. I’m not going anywhere without you.”

  Taylor tried to get out of the car. “Come one, Taylor. Stay there,” Wes pleaded.

  “No. I’m staying with you.”

  Wes sig
hed and pushed Taylor away, then climbed in the cab with him. “Now give the man your address.”

  Taylor narrowed his eyes. “Are you coming home with me?”


  Taylor looked at the driver. “Take us to the closest clean hotel.”

  The driver looked at Wes in question. Wes wanted to tell him to do just what Taylor had asked, but he didn’t want to take advantage of a drunk man. “Taylor, you should go home and sleep the alcohol away.”


  Wes sighed and nodded at the driver. “Fine, we’re going to the hotel. I’ll tuck you into bed.”

  Taylor leaned forward, so close that his nose brushed against Wes’. “Only if you get in bed with me.”

  Wes didn’t know Taylor, but he could see the stubborn press of his lips. Could saying yes really hurt? Maybe he could just wait until Taylor fell asleep, then slip out of the room and go back home. “Yeah, okay. I’ll sleep with you.”

  * * * *

  Taylor was still reeling, and only part of that was because he was drunk. He’d found his mate. His mate.


  Wes looked at him, one neat brow arched. “What?”


  “How much did you drink tonight?”

  Taylor shook his head. “I’m not drunk.” Wes tilted his head and pressed his lips together. “Okay, maybe I’m drunk. But just a bit.”

  “Enough that you want to sleep with a man you don’t even know?”

  “Honey, I don’t have to be drunk to do that,” Taylor said with a cheeky grin. He frowned. “That was before, of course. I won’t do it anymore, not now that I found you.”

  Wes frowned. “What do you mean?”

  Taylor wanted to tell him they were mates, but Wes didn’t know about shifters, and Taylor knew his mate wouldn’t believe anything that came out of his mouth right now. “Just that I like you. I really, really like you.”

  Wes chuckled and shook his head. The elevator pinged, and Wes helped Taylor to step inside it. Truth be told, Taylor wasn’t really so drunk that he couldn’t walk on his own. He was exaggerating it a bit, because he liked touching Wes way too much.

  He tightened his hold on Wes’ waist and looked at him sideways. He was cute, gorgeous, even, but he was too thin and too pale. Taylor hadn’t noticed in the dim club lights or in the cab, but Wes’ cheeks were a bit hollow and his waist was too thin. Taylor could feel his hipbone under his palm, and it was too sharp, too prominent.

  They stumbled out of the elevator and Wes looked left and right. He pushed Taylor to the right and they shuffled down the hallway until Wes stopped. He put the keycard in the opening in the door and the light went from red to green. Wes pushed the door open and flipped a light on, then pulled Taylor inside.

  Taylor let his mate maneuver him until they reached the bed, then he slumped on it. Wes went to close the door, and Taylor took his jacket off, then his shoes and his socks. He dumped everything on the carpet next to the bed and wiggled his toes into the thick pile. “Hey, I wonder if Dominic would let me buy a carpet like this. It’s soft.”

  Wes took his jacket off as he answered, “I don’t know who Dominic is, but I’m sure you can put up a great argument.”

  Wes tsked at the sight of Taylor’s stuff on the floor and picked them up. Taylor’s jacket went on the desk along with Wes’ while Wes pushed the socks into the shoes before putting them under the desk. He turned to the bed and put his hands on his hips. “So. Which side do you want?”


  “Of the bed. Which side of the bed do you want to sleep in?”

  Taylor grinned. “How about under you? Or on top of you, I’m not picky.”

  Wes shook his head. “You’re drunk.”

  “Not that much.”

  “Enough that you might regret this in the morning, once the alcohol is gone.”

  Taylor knew the alcohol in his body would burn way sooner than the morning, but he didn’t tell Wes. He had to play human until they could talk. Maybe they could have breakfast in bed tomorrow morning and he could break the news to his mate. Hopefully Wes wouldn’t run for the hills once he found out about Taylor’s furry half.

  Taylor got up and took his T-shirt off. He scratched his stomach and smacked his lips, smirking when he saw that Wes was looking at his chest. “I’m going to the bathroom.”

  “Do you need help?”


  “You sure? I wouldn’t want you to fall and break your skull.”

  Taylor waved. “I’ll be fine. You get into bed while I’m there.” He strode into the bathroom without waiting for an answer. He was sure Wes had to feel the pull, even if not as strong as Taylor did. He wouldn’t say no.

  Taylor peed and washed his hands and his face. He blinked at the mirror. He felt fine, barely drunk, and he wondered what would happen now. He’d insisted that Wes to come with him and to sleep in the same bed, but would they really have sex now?

  Taylor grinned at is reflection. Hell, yes.

  He took the lube from his jeans’ pocket and hesitated before taking the condom out as well. Wes would probably refuse to have sex with Taylor without it—he wouldn’t know Taylor couldn’t get or give him anything, and now wasn’t the time to explain.

  He chucked his jeans but hesitated, his thumbs hooked in his underwear. He shrugged and pushed them down, leaving everything on the bathroom floor. He opened the door and turned the light off.

  Taylor smiled when he saw Wes was in bed. Wes’ eyes went wide when his gaze fixed on Taylor’s body, and Taylor slipped into bed next to him after putting the condom and lube on the nightstand on his side of the bed. He frowned when he reached for his mate and his hands encountered clothes.

  Taylor pushed the blankets away and looked at Wes’ dressed body, then at his face. “You usually have sex with your clothes on?”

  “I never said I’d have sex with you.”

  “You said yes when I asked you to get into bed with me.”

  “To sleep.”

  “And you usually sleep in your clothes?”

  Wes was still wearing everything but his jacket and his shoes. He even had his jeans on, and they were so tight they couldn’t be comfortable.

  “I don’t.”

  Taylor propped his head on his elbow and narrowed his eyes at his mate. “Were you going to slip away while I slept?”

  Wes’ expression turned sheepish. “Maybe?”

  Taylor tsked. “That won’t do.” He reached out and opened the first button of Wes’ shirt. Wes’ breath hitched and Taylor smirked before opening a second one, then a third. He stroked his fingertips on the skin he’d revealed, then opened yet another button.

  Wes didn’t stop him, even though he was looking at him with wide eyes. He bit on his lower lip, and Taylor wanted to free it and to be the one biting it. And why not?

  He leaned forward and did just that. He sucked on Wes’ lip while he finished opening his shirt and pushed it to the sides of Wes’ chest. He slid his hand back up and skimmed one nipple, smiling against Wes’ lips when he groaned. “Like that?”

  Wes whimpered and Taylor moved away to look at him. He frowned when he saw that more than lusty, Wes’ expression was bewildered and even scared. “What’s wrong? Did you change your mind? We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. We could just sleep, or you could—”

  Wes cut Taylor’s word off when he grabbed his neck and pulled him down to kiss him again. Taylor went with it. His mate was an adult. He knew what they were about to do, and he could say no if he needed to. Taylor wasn’t about to decide for him, especially not now that Wes was grabbing at his jeans’ button and pushing them down his legs.

  Taylor straightened and helped Wes with his shirt and his jeans. It took way too long to unpeel them from Wes’ legs, but the reward was so worth it. Taylor roamed his gaze over the body that was now naked in front of him.

  Wes was beautiful.
Yes, he was too thin, and too pale, but his limbs held an elegance Taylor couldn’t even hope to mirror. Wes was completely hairless, including his crotch, and Taylor arched a brow at him. He reached down and stroked one finger around Wes’ cock, never touching it but enjoying the sensation of smooth skin. “Why do you wax it all off?”

  “Because my—because I like it. Less messy.”

  Wes looked down again, so Taylor crawled on top of him and lowered his body over Wes’. They both moaned loudly when their dicks bumped against each other, then Taylor was touching his mate’s bare skin from thighs to chest.

  Wes pulled Taylor even closer and wrapped his legs around Taylor’s waist. Taylor chuckled and kissed his mate’s cheek, then his nose. “You have to let me go if you want me to get the lube.”

  “And condom,” Wes croaked.

  “And the condom. I put both on the nightstand.”

  Wes slowly lowered his legs and his arms, but he kept a hand on Taylor’s arm while Taylor reached out and grabbed what he needed. He eyed the condom and decided it would be better to put it on right away.

  Wes was looking at him with wide eyes. He wasn’t doing anything, and Taylor wondered if maybe he didn’t have much experience with sex. He looked a bit lost, like he didn’t know what to do, and Taylor kissed him deeply, just because he could. He didn’t care how much experience Wes had—from now on Taylor would be the only one he’d have sex with.

  Taylor tore the lube packet with his teeth and squirted the entire thing on his fingers. He moved away just enough that he could slip a hand between them and quickly slicked his dick before moving even lower. Wes opened his legs wider and Taylor pressed a finger against his hole.

  He shuddered when his finger sank into Wes’ body. Wes groaned and squirmed, and Taylor kissed him again. Wes cupped Taylor’s face with both his hands and looked at him with so much emotion in his eyes that Taylor wanted to whisk him away and never let him go.

  “Now, Taylor. Please.”

  Taylor nodded and slipped his fingers out of his mate. Hating the fact that there was a barrier between them, that they wouldn’t be joined skin to skin, he pressed the head of his cock against Wes’ hole. It slid in without difficulties and Wes tensed.