Nysys Page 12
They landed with a woof, Nysys almost on top of Morin, the two of them completely naked, the killer still leaning over them. Nysys didn’t care much about that when he jumped up and kicked the killer in the nuts. The man squeaked and reached for his groin, but Nysys was frustrated and didn’t have any problems being naked in front of everyone.
He punched the man in the face, then kicked him again. The guy tried to react but someone grabbed him from behind and pushed him down. Nysys barely registered Kameron sitting on the guy’s back and holding his hands before he kicked him again, in the ribs this time. “You—you fucking cock-blocker!”
Someone in the room laughed and two arms wound around Nysys’ waist and pulled him away. He fought to go back and hit the killer some more, but he only managed one last kick on the legs before he was too far away to do any damage. He turned around when a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and found himself in Morin’s arms. They were both covered by the same blanket, naked chests together, cocks sliding against each other.
“Why’d you stop me? He earned the beating.”
“I won’t deny that, but I don’t think we have the same reason in mind.”
Someone laughed. “Cock-blocker?”
Nysys scowled at Keenan. “Yeah. He totally ruined my first time topping, damn him!”
Morin blushed fiercely and Nysys realized what he’d just said. “Ooops. Sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’m not ashamed of it, I’d just rather not discuss my sex life in front of everyone.”
Nysys looked around the room, and sure enough, all eyes were on them. He shrugged. “Is my room still free?”
“Of course,” Dominic answered. “Do you want someone to go fetch you some clothes?”
Nysys shook his head. “No. We’ll be back soon. Don’t disturb us.”
“Nysys, wait, you have to—”
Nysys never heard what he had to do because he shimmered away. They landed on his bed and he started pulling on the blanket that was still wrapped around them both. All the writhing and wriggling helped to keep both their cocks interested. When Nysys finally managed to pull the blanket off and throw it to the side, they were both as hard as they’d been before the killer had interrupted them.
“Do you still...”
Morin nodded. “Yeah.”
* * * *
Morin didn’t know whether to laugh or just pull Nysys into his arms. The way the man had beaten the killer up... well, it’d been funny. Painful for the guy—but funny as hell to watch Nysys get angry and call the guy a cock-blocker while he kicked the guy in the balls.
Nysys moved above Morin and their cocks dragged together. Okay, maybe they could laugh later, because right now Morin had something else in mind.
He hooked his legs around Nysys’ waist and pulled him close. The move smashed their erections together, and while the sensation was more than pleasant, Morin wanted the hard length he felt against his inside him. “Are you up for it?”
Nysys nodded eagerly. He moved a bit backward and angled himself better. His weight rested on his elbows and their breaths mingled as he started pushing. Morin tensed. It had been a while, a long while, since he’d last bottomed, even if he hadn’t told Nysys. The pain was almost too much, but Morin wasn’t about to tell Nysys. He knew Nysys would stop and back away if he did, and that was the last thing Morin wanted.
“You, ah, okay?”
Morin nodded. “Perfect.”
That seemed to be the only thing Nysys needed to be reassured. He pushed forward and slid in to the hilt in one smooth movement. Morin groaned and arched his back. He clutched at Nysys’ shoulders, certain he was leaving marks yet not caring about it. Nysys didn’t seem to mind anyway.
He seemed to have forgotten all about being nervous, and Morin held on for the ride. Nysys drove in him again and again, bringing Morin close to orgasm sooner than he’d have thought. He brought Nysys’ face closer and tried to kiss him. It wasn’t easy, because Nysys’ rhythm never faltered. It was sloppy, wet, slick and warm, so warm. It was enough to tell Morin it wasn’t only physical, if he’d ever doubted it.
Nysys rose just a bit and looked at Morin. “I’m, uh. It’s not going to take me long.”
“Then come.”
Those two little words were enough for Nysys. He thrust a few more times, all rhythm gone. His back bowed and he closed his eyes. Morin wrapped his arms around his mate and held him close, protecting him in his most vulnerable moment.
Morin chuckled at the mental litany that passed between them, uncaring of the fact that he hadn’t come yet. He knew Nysys would take care of him when he came down from his pleasure high, and if he didn’t, well, Morin had a right hand. It wouldn’t take long anyway.
Nysys slumped against Morin and stopped moving. Morin squirmed just a bit. His cock was trapped between them and a jolt of pleasure shot through him every time Nysys or him moved.
Nysys laughed and pushed away. He kissed Morin, his tongue playing over Morin’s lips and against his tongue. “It’s your turn.”
“Oh, thank god!”
Nysys laughed again and Morin knew right then and there that he’d do anything he could to hear that sound as often as possible.
Nysys slithered down Morin’s body. He stopped at Morin’s erection and licked the head. Morin leaned back in the pillow and moaned at the sensation.
“What do we have here?”
“I thought you knew.”
Nysys slapped Morin’s thigh. “I’m not talking about your dick. What’s this?”
Morin groaned. He’d forgotten about the tattoo he’d gotten when he was in college. “A college mistake.”
“Mistake? It’s pretty.”
“I know it’s not bad, but it doesn’t really have any meaning.”
“So you did it because it was pretty.”
“Yes, and because I wanted to be cool.”
Nysys snorted. “And you thought a star tattoo would make you cool?”
“I was twenty. Don’t judge. Now can we go back to the problem at hand?”
Morin pulled his hips up and his cock hit Nysys on the cheek. Nysys laughed before opening his mouth and sucking the head of Morin’s dick inside. Morin surrendered to his mate’s talented tongue and let him do what he wanted with his body.
He opened his legs wider and felt a hand slip behind his balls even as Nysys licked up and down his length. A finger probed his opening and slid inside easily. Nysys found Morin’s prostate almost right away. Between that and the way he used his mouth, it didn’t take Morin more than a couple of minutes to come.
He buried his fingers into the short pink strands of Nysys’ hair and tried to pull Nysys’ head away, but Nysys shook his head, so Morin used the hold to keep his head still. He raised his hips one last time before his release tore through him and he emptied in his mate’s mouth.
Morin fell back on the bed, breathing hard, his hands still in Nysys’ hair. He petted the pink silk and Nysys put his head on Morin’s thigh. “Better?”
“Yes. Definitely.”
Nysys laughed and rose to press a kiss on Morin’s tattoo. “I’m going to call you my star from now on.”
Morin groaned. “Do you really have to?”
“I won’t if you really hate it. Maybe I could call you Twinkle instead. Yeah, I like that.”
Morin wanted to say no, not ever, but Nysys’ pout was working all too well in his favor. “Fine. You can call me whatever you want. Just... keep it in the bedroom, okay?”
“Okay, I promise. Only in the bedroom. I like having a pet name for you.”
Morin tried to relax, but not even the soothing circles Nysys was tracing on his stomach was helping. “We should go.”
“Because we need to go see what happened after you shimmered us away to have sex.”
Do you think everyone knows what we did?”
“Of course they do. We arrived buck naked and in a compromising position, you called the guy a cock-blocker as you hit him and we were pressed together under a blanket when you got us away. Not to mention you told Keenan the guy ruined your first time topping. They’d have to be particularly stupid not to understand.”
“I guess they know, then. Are you too embarrassed to go?”
“I won’t be too comfortable, but it’s nothing I can’t endure. I just wish the killer had waited at least a day or two.”
Nysys climbed on top of Morin and pressed their foreheads together. “I’m sorry.”
“Not your fault. You saved me again.”
“I wasn’t even thinking. I was just frustrated at the moment the guy had chosen and interrupted.”
“I feel the same way. We did make up for it, though.”
“That we did. So. Are we going?”
“We better, yes.”
“You know, I want to pack my stuff while I’m here.”
“To move—to New York. If you still want me to, of course.”
Morin smiled and kissed his mate. “Of course I want you to, but are you sure you wouldn’t rather move here?”
Nysys shook his head. “I want a new start, a true one this time.”
“Whatever you want, hon. Now, how about a shower and a change of clothes? I’ll have to borrow something from you.”
“I should let you wear my clothes just to see what you look like in them, but I’m not that cruel.”
Nysys smirked and Morin suddenly found himself in his own bedroom, on his own bed. “That’s... both useful and a bit scary. And disorienting.”
“But it’s so handy.”
“Can’t deny that.” Morin rolled Nysys and pressed him into the mattress. “Last one in the shower has to wash the other.”
Nysys smirked. “You’re sure about this?”
Morin started to rise, but Nysys was already gone. Morin heard him laugh in the bathroom. “I win. I think I need a good washing, Twinkle.”
Chapter Seven
It took them over an hour before they could shimmer back into Dominic’s office. Morin had been sidetracked while washing Nysys and the shower had shifted from washing up to shower sex. Not that Nysys minded. Not at all.
Nysys shimmered them outside the office this time, just in case. He didn’t want to interrupt anything. God knew it wouldn’t be the first time someone did—every pride member had walked in on Dominic and Ani going at it at least once. Still, it wasn’t something Nysys particularly wanted to see again, so he knocked and waited for an answer before pushing the door open.
“Ah. Are you two all done?”
“Very funny. What happened to the killer? It was the killer, right?”
Dominic motioned Nysys and Morin to sit in the chairs in front of his desk. Nysys rolled his eyes but complied. “So?”
“Well, if you’d stayed you’d know what happened.”
Great. Dominic was teasing Nysys. “I had more urgent business to take care of.”
Dominic snickered. “I think we all noticed that. Everything taken care of, then?”
“Yes, yes, we had the most fantastic sex since we got together, which is not saying much since that happened only yesterday. Are you going to answer me now, or do you want more details?”
“Fine, fine. Don’t get your panties in a twist. The guy you beat up is a hired killer. He’s young, only eighteen.”
“He’s not human.” Nysys hadn’t even seen him in the face, but he was sure of that.
“Not completely, no. He’s one of the in-vitro children created in the Glass labs.”
“But... that means my father started this—this horror at least twenty years ago,” Morin said. Nysys reached out and Morin took his hand without even looking and squeezed it.
“Yes. The boy wasn’t exactly forthcoming with information about himself, but with Jared’s and Isaiah’s help we managed to piece bits together. Corbin was one of the first experiments who survived to adulthood. He’s been trained and started working a few years ago.”
“He was only sixteen.”
“Yes. He’s never known anything different.”
“I haven’t seen the reports on the in-vitro children yet, but there are so many things to read and check... I don’t know how long it’s going to take me if I’m honest.”
“Morin, do you still want to sell the company?”
“More than ever, but I can’t until I manage to sanitize that entire part.”
“You could if the owner of the company that buys yours is part of the paranormal world.”
“Where do I find them?”
“I already found them for you.”
“A member of Kameron’s pack just mated with a demon, Noah. Noah’s father is at the head of a big pharmaceutical company. I talked to him and he’s interested. Obviously I couldn’t tell him much about the company, but he left me this.” Dominic took something from the desk and handed it to Morin. “That’s his business card. Call him.”
Morin took the small piece of paper. “I will.”
“What about Corbin?” Nysys asked. He hadn’t really thought about it before, but now he felt kind of guilty about beating the man like he had. He’d been distracted by the situation and hadn’t thought.
Dominic sighed. “I’m not sure what to do with him, to be honest. He should go to jail, but what he did wasn’t really his fault.”
“He needs to be rehabilitated.”
“Exactly. The problem is that we don’t have specialists to help him, not ones who know about the paranormal world.”
“There has to be someone.”
“Probably. We’re looking into it at the moment, and I’ll let you know when we find anything.”
“Where is he now?”
“In one of the pride’s cells.”
“Did he tell you who hired him?” Morin asked.
“Yes. It’s someone on your board of directors, John Ascott.”
Nysys looked at his mate. Morin’s jaw was set and he was scrunching the business card in his hand.
“I’m not sure what to do, even with a name. I should report the man, but I can’t, because it would expose the company.”
“We’ll take him in. He’ll have a trial, like your father.”
Morin thought about it and finally nodded. “I want to go with you when you pick him up.”
“I wasn’t expecting anything different from you,” Dominic declared.
“I’ll also help find someone for Corbin.”
“You don’t have to do that. He did try to kill you, after all.”
“Like you said, it wasn’t exactly his fault. He was raised to be a killer. He didn’t have any other choices.”
Nysys had never loved Morin more than in that instant, and the emotion made him stop. He frowned. Could it really be love already? After only a month? He decided it didn’t really matter. Even if it wasn’t love, he knew he would spend the rest of his life with his mate, and he would learn to love him if he didn’t already.
“Are you ready to go?”
Nysys looked at his mate and nodded. “Yeah.”
“You’re moving out?” Dominic asked.
“Yes. I’m moving to New York.”
“That’s what I thought. You’re always welcome here, though. Both of you. And we’ll see you at the council meetings anyway.”
Nysys hesitated. “Uh, about that. I was wondering if you could find someone to take my place.”
“Because I’m not good at it. We both know it. I know you were only humoring me while I lived here, but you don’t have to anymore.”
“Nysys, today showed me once more just how right you are for the job.”
“Was it because I hit Quincy? I know you’ve wanted to do that for ages.”
Dominic laughed. “Maybe it was a bit of that, but not only that. You stood up for yourself and your mate when you knew you couldn’t possibly be objective. You weren’t afraid to fight Quincy even if you knew he was stronger than you.”
“That was more stupidity than courage,” Nysys pointed out.
“Don’t put yourself down like that.”
Nysys opened his mouth, but Morin reached out and took his hand. “He’s right.”
Nysys huffed. “Fine. I don’t get why you want me on the council, but I’ll stay. Until you find a suitable replacement.”
Nysys narrowed his eyes at the alpha. “I’m serious.”
“Of course. I thought you’d want to stay, what with Morin being the newest council member, but if you don’t want to...”
“What do you mean Morin is the newest council member?”
“Yes, what do you mean?” Morin asked too.
“We told your father you were there to represent the human species in the council, and even if it was a half-lie, I realized we do need one. Who better than you?”
“You don’t have to accept if you don’t want to,” Nysys told Morin, but his mate was already nodding.
“I know, but I want to do it. Dominic’s right, humans need a representative too.”
Nysys knew when he’d been defeated, and this was the case. “Okay, fine. We’ll both be merry council members.” He crossed his arms on his chest and glared at Dominic. “Happy now?”
Dominic smiled and showed Nysys his teeth. “Very. And my kitchen is safe now that you’re leaving.”
Nysys didn’t let that put him down. He could have, but he knew Dominic was joking. “Don’t worry, I’ll invite you to dinner sometime.”
“Just take a few cooking lessons before. I’m sure there are hundreds available in New York.”
Nysys stood up and rounded the desk. He threw himself into Dominic’s arms and hugged him tight. “Thank you for letting me stay here.”
Dominic patted his back. “It was a pleasure. Except for the explosions, but I’m sure I’m going to miss them.”
Nysys straightened and smirked. “I’m sure you can find someone else to blow your kitchen up.”