Nysys Page 11
Morin slumped a bit in his chair next to Nysys.
How are you feeling?
Morin tilted his head to the side. Can you hear me? Is it working?
Oh. I wasn’t sure how to do this.
You managed, don’t worry. So, how are you feeling?
Angry. Hurt. Relieved. Scared. Worried.
I’m sorry.
Don’t be. He got what he deserved, if not too little. I feel guilty because I’m happy he’s not going to die, even if he deserved exactly that.
He’s your father.
Yes, even if he’s a dick.
Nysys snorted and several people looked at him. He didn’t care. Are you ready to go home?
Shouldn’t we wait until my father comes back here and is told what’s going to happen to him?
Maybe, but I don’t want you to see it. It’ not like we voted anyway, and he might not take it... nicely.
That’s an understatement, hon.
Nysys rose from his chair and pulled Morin up too. All the heads turned their way again, but he simply ignored them and strode to Dominic’s side, dragging Morin with him. “We’re going home.”
“Running away from your responsibilities?” Quincy asked from behind Nysys.
Nysys had had enough. He turned and let go of Morin’s hand. He ignored the calls coming from Dominic and Morin and walked back to Quincy. The eagle shifter was standing up now, and Nysys didn’t hesitate. He pulled his arm back and punched Quincy right on the nose.
“What the fuck!”
“Ouch, ouch, ouch! That fucking hurt!”
Quincy snarled and reached for Nysys but Malik hugged him from behind and pulled him back.
Nysys pointed at the eagle shifter. “Leave us alone. You’re being a nasty bitch, and while I can understand why, it has nothing to do with either Morin or me, so take it out on someone else.”
Quincy snarled, but Nysys refused to back off. He took advantage of the fact that Malik was still holding Quincy back to kick him in the nuts instead. Quincy went down like a sack of potatoes, howling in pain and holding his groin with both hands.
“That wasn’t exactly fair,” Kameron said from Nysys’ side.
“Maybe, but at least it didn’t hurt me like the punch did.”
“That’s because you didn’t hold your hand right. You need to wrap your thumb across the bottom of your fingers.”
Nysys looked at Kameron in disbelief. “I’ll try to remember that next time I want to punch someone.”
“I would stop my punching career here if I were you. You managed to hit Quincy only because he wasn’t expecting you to punch him. I don’t think anyone did.”
Nysys puffed his chest in pride. “I was good, huh?”
“Not really.”
“You’re an asshole.”
“Nope, I’m realistic. If you want to beat someone up again, go straight for the nuts. That was a good one.”
Nysys peeked at Quincy, and sure enough, he was still huddled on the carpet. “Maybe I should have kicked with a bit less force.”
“Ah, don’t worry about him. He’ll be fine. He deserved it, and I bet most of the room wanted to do that. We’re getting satisfaction vicariously through you.”
Nysys gave Quincy one last glance and got back to his mate. Morin was looking at him with wide eyes, but Nysys could see the weariness in him. “Anyone else have something to say about this?”
All the males in the room shook their heads as if they were one, and Nysys laughed. “That’s what I thought. We’re going, then.”
Dominic clasped a hand on Nysys’ shoulder and leaned toward him. “I’ll call you later tonight and tell you how it went.”
“Sure. I’ll let you know if we get another visit from the killer, but I hope Isaiah’s nearly found him. Morin needs calm.”
“I’ll ask him once I’m back at the mansion and let you know that, too.”
“Can I shimmer from here?”
“Sure, go ahead.”
Nysys waved at Keenan and held his hand next to his ear in the universal I’ll call you gesture for Ani, then he grabbed his mate’s hand. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yes, please.”
Nysys slid his arms around Morin’s waist and took them both back home.
* * * *
Morin had never been so happy to be home.
Nysys stepped away from him and stroked a hand down his cheek. “Tell me what you need.”
Morin didn’t know what he needed. His emotions were in a jumble and he only wanted to stop thinking for a while. Now that he knew his father would be as fine as the situation permitted, he could finally relax. He hadn’t noticed how tense he’d been over the past weeks, but now he did.
“I don’t know. I feel confused and lost, and I really just want to put all this behind me for a while.”
Nysys smiled. “Trust me?”
“Of course.”
Nysys beamed at him and Morin mentally congratulated himself for being able to make the man so happy. He let the Nix lead him through the hallway and into what Morin now thought of as their room. He watched as Nysys stripped until he stood clad only in his red underwear, then Nysys start on his clothes.
He undid every button of Morin’s shirt, pressing a kiss over every inch of skin he uncovered, then he pushed the freed fabric off Morin’s shoulders. The belt was the next to go, just before Nysys kneeled and slipped off Morin’s shoes and socks. Still on his knees, he opened the buttons of the black slacks Morin had worn for the trial and opened the zipper, then pulled the pants down. He helped Morin to raise one leg, then the other, and threw the pants away. He tugged Morin’s underwear down next, completely ignoring the hard cock right in front of his eyes even when it slapped back against Morin’s stomach.
Nysys kissed Morin’s stomach and stood up. He guided Morin to the bathroom and turned on the water in the tub, adding lavender bath salts to the steaming liquid. Morin let Nysys do what he wanted without protesting. He let the man—his mate—help him climb in the tub and sit down. Nysys turned the water off and pressed a kiss on Morin’s forehead before leaving the room.
Morin let his head fall back against the towel Nysys had folded and placed behind his head. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He let the scent of lavender sooth him and push his troubles away, for now at least. There would be time for that tomorrow.
The sound of naked feet against the marble floor told Morin that Nysys was back. He opened his eyes and found a half full glass of wine just in front of his nose. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Are you going to join me in here?”
Nysys smirked. “Only if you can promise you’ll keep your hands to yourself.”
“Where would the fun be in that?”
“We’ll have fun later, don’t worry. Right now I only want you to relax.”
Morin made a show of sighing heavily and holding his free hand up in surrender. “Okay, fine. I promise.”
Nysys gave him a short nod and slid his underwear off. Morin couldn’t take his eyes off the pale skin that was slowly uncovered. Nysys’ bellybutton piercing caught the light and shone, and Morin wanted nothing more than to tug at it with his teeth. He’d promised, though, and he always kept his promises.
Morin waited for Nysys to climb in front of him, but his mate put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him forward instead. Morin complied and felt Nysys slide behind his back and settle in the warm water. Two arms went around Morin’s waist and pulled him back against Nysys’ chest. He could feel the hard steel of Nysys’ nipple piercings and the one in his navel, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was a reminder they were there, though, and it didn’t help Morin’s erection to deflate.
“That’s easy for you to say.”
Nysys moved behind him and Morin felt a hard cock press against his lower back. “Not so easy, but we have the rest of the day
. We don’t have to hurry.”
Morin let his head fall back against Nysys’ shoulder and did his best to do as he was told. It became easier to forget about his hard-on after a little while, and he finally managed to relax. “You know, I can’t remember the last time I lounged in the bath like this.”
“So that’s why the bath salts were all stuck together.”
Morin chuckled. “Yes. They were a gift from my mother, but I only used them a few times, and not since I took the lead of the company.”
Nysys tsked. “No talking about work right now.”
They stayed in the water until it cooled and it started to become uncomfortable, then Nysys gently pushed Morin and rose. Morin kept his eyes shut. He didn’t want to have to see Nysys with water cascading around him when he knew he couldn’t touch him.
Nysys helped him get up and out of the tub. “I’m not seventy, you know. I can do things on my own.”
“I know, but it’s all about pampering you right now.”
Morin shrugged and let Nysys dry him with a soft towel. When he was done he pushed Morin toward the bedroom. “Go lie down on the bed. I’ll be right back.”
Right back turned out to be longer than Morin had thought, and he was dozing when he finally heard Nysys call his name.
“Hey. I’ve brought food.”
Nysys was standing over the bed with a tray in his hands and Morin sat against the headboard. He practically inhaled the Thai food Nysys had brought. “This is so good. Where did you go?”
“Where is it? We can order takeaway sometimes.”
Nysys smiled. “It’s not a restaurant. Well, it is, but it’s in Thailand. You know, the country.”
Morin gaped. “You went to Thailand to buy me lunch?”
“Yup. I know it’s your favorite.”
Morin grabbed the back of Nysys’ head and pulled him forward. The trays they both had on their knees tilted and the dishes moved around but Morin didn’t care. He kissed Nysys hard, his tongue delving inside his mate’s mouth, the taste of ginger and chili invading his mouth.
Nysys grinned at him when they separated. “I’ll have to do this more often if this is how you thank me.”
“Oh, I’m not done thanking you.”
Nysys held a hand up. “Nuh huh. I set the pace today.”
Morin groaned. “Fine. What now?”
“Now you give me the tray and you lie on your stomach.”
Morin did as he was told—again. He heard the rattling sound of the dishes on the trays when Nysys put them on the dresser, then the rustle of clothes being pulled off and hitting the carpet. The mattress dipped on Morin’s side as Nysys climbed on the bed. He reached into the nightstand’s drawer and took something out, but Morin didn’t see what it was.
Nysys moved and straddled the back of Morin’s thighs. The erection that had thankfully disappeared during Morin’s nap and the meal came back with a vengeance when Nysys’ slicked hands slid on Morin’s back.
“What are you doing?”
“Massage. I thought it was obvious.”
It felt good. Morin didn’t know where Nysys had learned to massage, but the man honed in on every knot in Morin’s muscles and smoothed them away. After the first five minutes, Morin didn’t even care that he was moaning and whimpering as if he were having sex. It was as good as sex anyway.
“What kind of oil is this?”
“Can we use it as lube?”
Nysys laughed. “No idea, but don’t worry, lube isn’t far anyway. Just a nightstand away.”
Morin relaxed again, trusting Nysys to take care of him. The massage shifted slowly from therapeutic to sensual. Nysys’ hands went wider, slid down Morin’s ass cheeks, slipping in his crack before moving away.
He felt Nysys move forward and a hard cock pressed against him. Morin squirmed until Nysys’ dick slid between his ass cheeks. Nysys yelped behind him, making him laugh. “What’s wrong?”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Fine. I never... you know.”
“Never what?” Morin thought about it for a few seconds. “Oh, you’ve never topped.”
“Yeah, that.”
Morin raised a hand backward and pushed lightly on Nysys’ thigh. When Nysys rose, Morin flipped on his back, then pulled his mate down again. Their cocks met and Nysys hissed. “How come?”
“Don’t know. No one ever offered.”
“Do you want to?”
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t. I’ll guide you.”
Nysys bit his lower lip, then slowly nodded.
* * * *
Nysys scooted toward the edge of the mattress and grabbed the lube from the still open nightstand drawer. “Should I go wash my hands?”
Nysys jumped off the bed and almost ran to the bathroom. He closed the door behind himself and leaned against it, uncaring of the fact that he was smearing oil all over the place. This wasn’t going like he’d expected. At all.
Sure, he’d known they would end up having sex, but not that he would be the one to top. It scared Nysys to death, because he’d never done it. He’d never been in control, period, and he wasn’t sure he could actually make this good for Morin. What if he sucked at it? What if he hurt his mate? What if it made Morin rethink the fact that they were together?
He let his head fall back against the door and closed his eyes. He tried to control his breathing, to calm himself. Morin wouldn’t leave him, even if it went badly. He was an understanding man. Nysys had had the proof of that over the past month. He hadn’t gotten angry even when Nysys had made a mess out of his microwave and most of the kitchen. Surely bad sex wouldn’t be different?
And even if Nysys did suck at it, he could practice. A lot. Hopefully Morin wouldn’t mind. Now Nysys only had to get his cock to cooperate, since he’d almost lost his erection. He looked down at the betraying organ and scowled at it. He knew it was normal with how nervous he was, but it didn’t mean he had to like it.
He grabbed it and gave it a tug. He thought about Morin, how he’d felt under Nysys only minutes before, how he would feel around him soon. Oh, yeah.
Umm, Nysys?
Morin’s voice in his mind jolted Nysys out of his thoughts. He let go of his renewed erection guiltily. Yes?
What are you doing in there?
Washing my hands.
It’s taking you an awfully long time.
Yeah, this oil is a pain to wash off.
Oh, okay.
Morin went silent and Nysys pushed away from the door. He hurried to the sink and washed his hands, taking care of eliminating every trace of the oil. When he was done he pressed his hands against the cool counter and looked at his reflection in the mirror. He could do it. He wasn’t a virgin, he knew how it felt. He could just think about what he liked and disliked and start with that.
Taking one last deep breath, he nodded to himself and strode to the door only to go back to the sink and wash his dick as well as he could without actually showering. He went to the door again once he was done and opened it. He walked back into the bedroom only to stop abruptly as soon as he looked at the bed. Nysys knew he was gaping and probably looking like a fool, but it didn’t matter. How could he have not with the spectacle in front of him?
Morin was still on his back, just like Nysys had left him, but he hadn’t waited for Nysys to come back to start having fun. His legs were open wide and one of his hands was between them. As far as Nysys could see from where he was, Morin already had two fingers buried in his ass.
Morin’s face was flushed and he was looking at Nysys in invitation. That was enough to make Nysys start to move again. He moved toward the bed a bit hesitantly, but he never looked away from Morin’s hand. He knelt on the bed and knee-walked closer, until he could see the shine of lube gleaming on Morin�
�s fingers as he pushed them inside himself, then out, then back in.
Nysys licked his dry lips and swallowed. He raised a hand and pressed it on his mate’s knee. He pushed Morin’s leg a bit to the side to have a better view. It felt weird to see things from this new point of view. He’d always been the one with fingers in his ass, not the other way around.
Nysys slid his hand along Morin’s inner thigh, caressing the sensitive skin as he went. Morin moaned softly but didn’t stop moving, not even when Nysys’ fingers reached his hole and gently stroked the wrinkled skin stretched around his fingers. The skin was slippery with lube and reddened, and Nysys longed to bury himself there. He touched Morin’s fingers where they sank into his body, and they slowed. Morin took them out and took Nysys’ finger in his hand, spreading lube on it before tugging it closer. Nysys looked up and Morin nodded at him.
He slipped his finger inside Morin. It didn’t feel that different from when he did it to himself, except for the feelings that went with it. Knowing he was doing it to Morin, his mate, and not to himself, made it special and more intimate than he’d have thought, especially when Morin’s finger joined his lone one.
Together they finished prepping Morin. It was a bit awkward because Nysys couldn’t seem to match Morin’s rhythm. He was too distracted, his glance jumping from Morin’s hole to his face, then to his chest, then his stomach, only to start again from his hole. Morin didn’t seem to mind, though.
When Morin took his fingers out and reached for the lube again, Nysys knew he was ready. Nervousness rose in him again but he pushed it down and away. “You’re ready?” he asked in a croak.
Morin nodded and smiled. “Come here.”
Nysys started moving toward Morin. He kept his eyes on his mate’s face, wanting—no, needing—to see every one of Morin’s expression when he entered him. He held his cock up and pressed it against Morin.
Just before he could start pushing, though, Morin’s eyes widened, and not in a good way. He was looking at something behind Nysys, so he was fairly sure it wasn’t something he’d done. A hand clamped hard on his shoulder and he turned just enough to see the killer.
Nysys saw red and shimmered the three of them away without even thinking about it. Into Dominic’ office. That was full of pride members.